Known for their work on the groundbreaking and influential MATRIX series, Lana and Lilly Wachowski have emerged as some of the most celebrated — and misunderstood — filmmakers of the 21st century.

Breaking onto the scene in 1996 with the neo noir BOUND, it was THE MATRIX that shot them to the stratosphere. But after the success of that film (and to a lesser extent, its sequels), the siblings have never again reached such heights, either critically or commercially.

In this series, we’ll explore the careers of the sisters, from their early days, through the making of their sci-fi epic, through more recent projects that have become increasingly more ambitious and audacious.

In addition to exploring the creation of the films, we’ll examine their themes and how the personal lives of the Wachowskis — the most high profile transgender filmmakers in Hollywood — have shaped their work.