Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2

The Six Degrees of Kill Bill, Part 7

This week we finally come to the bloody conclusion to this series.

For the last six weeks, we've explored a series of films that were major influences on director Quentin Tarantino when he set out to make his ultimate revenge film, KILL BILL.

To wrap things up, we're going to take a look at KILL BILL itself, in full.

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the creation of the film, from its inception as an idea on the set of PULP FICTION, all the way through Taratnino's writing of the screenplay, the long tumultuous filming process, and the ultimate decision to cut the film in half, releasing it in two volumes, six months apart.

Theme Song: "There's Still a Little Bit of Time, If We Hurry and I Mean Hurry" by Slasher Film Festival Strategy.

This episode was written, produced and edited by Gary Horne, Justin Bishop, and Todd A. Davis.


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)


Shogun Assassin